Quit Smoking

quit-smoking.480x250Want to quit smoking?
No IF or BUTT – We recommend ACUPUNCTURE

If you are a smoker and you have really tried everything to stop, yet can’t seem to kick the addiction for good, you may want to try acupuncture.

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How acupuncture works to stop smoking
When you smoke, inhaled the nicotine to stimulate the energy of the lung meridian to a higher level, which makes you feel good.

After finished the cigarette, the energy level will start to drop and this decrease in energy provokes you to go have another cigarette to regain the higher energy level and good feeling.

That is urging to have a cigarette.

Because consuming cigarettes repetitively, makes the energy in the lung meridian dependent on the nicotine stimulation, to keep the energy in the lung meridian at higher level.

So! The energy affected by nicotine.

How to control the urge of cigarettes
Acupuncture stimulates to bring the energy in the lung meridian maintain in a higher level, so the energy does not fluctuate.

If the body maintain the energy at a more constant level, there is no urge for the cigarette and makes it easier to quit the habit.

How many treatments?
After two or three days, the next session is recommended as the effects of the first treatment start to weaken.

When you are having the acupuncture treatment, you should never carry cigarettes with you and try to avoid smoking areas or things that remind you to smoke.

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